YouTube channels operate independently on the PSIAP effort and will continue to collect and post videos beyond the PSIAP effort. As part of the PSIAP dataset effort, we identified specific YouTube channels with representative public safety content. Videos with a Creative Commons (CC) license are routinely uploaded to YouTube. The goal is to accelerate technology innovation for network providers, application providers, and public safety agencies. This effort is motivated by the increasing importance of video and imagery for public safety operations. One of the most fundamental barriers to seamless data integration is simply a lack of awareness or access to datasets that are accurate, current, and relevant to improving response. This software, funded by PSIAP 2017, supports the development of datasets representative of public safety operations, whose need was formally identified in NIST TN 1917: Public Safety Analytics R&D Roadmap: Some media may require VLC or similar software for playing different formats. They can then be combined by the user as needed using a tool such as ffmpeg. If available, we download the best video and audio files separately. By default, YouTube stores high resolution (1080p+) videos separately from audio files. Additional Requirementsįfmpeg or a similar tool is necessary to combine audio and high resolution videos.

The client_secret.json and credentials.json files should be kept secret. An access token will be stored in the tokens/credentials.json file, which should automatically be used for future runs. Users should copy the URL into a browser, and authenticate using their Google/Youtube credentials. The first time the script is run on a machine, it will prompt for user authentication via a URL. Users should replace the client_secret.json_demo with their respective client_secret.json. See this tutorial for instructions on how to get an API key. In order to use the YouTube API, the user must register an API key with Google. google-api-python-client is used for authentication and youtube API requests.youtube-dl is used for downloading the videos.